now thinking

rockin_plumber said:

Am I being silly or was he going to Birmingham as well :?
He was going to come into Birmingham with me and be my guide for a while :( I can live without a guide...I hope :err: LOL ....It's just sad he's not going to the gig and our little meet up :(
wicky said:
He was going to come into Birmingham with me and be my guide for a while :( I can live without a guide...I hope :err: LOL ....It's just sad he's not going to the gig and our little meet up :(

Maybe he will meet you in Birmngham :wink:
rockin_plumber said:
Maybe he will meet you in Birmngham :wink:
That would be good 8) Hope he's not making a big mistake...Out of all the people that hated the setlist at the beginning, i've only seen positive reviews after they've been to a show.....but not starting that one again :err:

I think its manflu..Im too weak to do anything LOL managed to swing tea and toast for breakfast this morning though 8)
My eye hurts from this cold :shock:

God its horrible :(

Also I'm missing Beth :| felt like shes moved on and forgot about me :| I dont want to be just friends, shit happens though :|

And Ive got a cold :(

LOL Moan over
Tissues all over my room too, to the untrained eye it could look like I dont have a cold at all :err: LOL