now thinking

rockin_plumber said:
.oO(If someone visits and doesnt read the SADNESS THREAD first they are gonna think me very strange)
.oO(I meant to reply you are strange but then i saw wicky already did it and I cannot be seen agreeing with wicky)

you aren't strange at all. trust me i'm being sincere :err:
wicky said:
Can you imagine the scandal :shock: LOL
i'd be all over the tabloids

i can already see the sun's cover the following day:

MM agrees with wicky!!!
Top headline with screenshots of my post
and a specialists reports that claims the post was indeed made by me and is 100% real
MaidenMadness said:
i'd be all over the tabloids

i can already see the sun's cover the following day:

MM agrees with wicky!!!
Top headline with screenshots of my post
and a specialists reports that claims the post was indeed made by me and is 100% real

I'll sell my story to the papers :wink:
wicky said:
Have you looked outside :shock: Looks sooo weird!
Hope it waits til after Lost! The last one we had the leccy went off for a while :|