now thinking

that football isn't as nearly as fun when you're not supporting somebody

which is exactly a reason why i always support one of two teams involved in a match
MaidenMadness said:
that football isn't as nearly as fun when you're not supporting somebody

which is exactly a reason why i always support one of two teams involved in a match

i will know which team to support during the most important match of the last 4 years tomorrow 8)
Frenchy said:
how badlucky you are :|
badlucky? :?
how much badluck do i bring to the team i support you mean?

if so well.....depends
and on this wc it has been very low mut the amount of bad luck raised rapidly as the tournament progressed
rockin_plumber said:
LOL .oO(Wicky will hate all the footy talk in the Hello thread)
I won't maon about it tonight LOL

Thanks for the warning...I won't read it now :D

I want France to win :wink: