now thinking

My job interview went well, and the pay isnt as bad as I was expecting, its better than what I was on at Sainsburys anyway!
rockin_plumber said:
:err: I forgot about that :oops:

So did you take the job??

Left on a very high note, said they'd contact me in a couple of weeks, theyve got alot of people to interview etc..also, the guy interviewing me has seen Maiden, on the Piece of Mind tour, so he seems sound enough 8) had a good chat 8)
Ben said:
Left on a very high note, said they'd contact me in a couple of weeks, theyve got alot of people to interview etc..also, the guy interviewing me has seen Maiden, on the Piece of Mind tour, so he seems sound enough 8) had a good chat 8)

So you chatted about Maiden through the interview LOL LOL
rockin_plumber said:
So you chatted about Maiden through the interview LOL LOL

Near enough LOL, he seen the Maiden patches on my bag, and said, "Maiden eh? I used to be into them, seen them on the Piece of Mind tour, Bruce Dickinson used to be my hero" then I said I met him and he was like " :shock: " LOL , hopefully my past flight 666 experience will land me a job :banana:

Interview lasted 20 minutes, 10 of them minutes were talking about how good Daves solo is on Where Eagles Dare LOL
Ben said:
Near enough LOL, he seen the Maiden patches on my bag, and said, "Maiden eh? I used to be into them, seen them on the Piece of Mind tour, Bruce Dickinson used to be my hero" then I said I met him and he was like " :shock: " LOL , hopefully my past flight 666 experience will land me a job :banana:

Interview lasted 20 minutes, 10 of them minutes were talking about how good Daves solo is on Where Eagles Dare LOL

:err: you didnt tell him you liked Bruces ass did you
wicker nomad said:
I kick myself everyday for not taking one LOL
His arse was in my face :shock: I was thinking to I take a pic, or pinch it :?
In the end I just had a bloody good look 8)

Ben said:
I mean come on, its Bruce Dickinson, I'm not gay, but I still had a look at his arse, and I should of taken a picture, but my mate wouldnt do it on his camera because mine would of made too much of a noise :err:

:err: Just in case anyone forgot
"Whats for dinner?"

"Has Rockin' always been a plumber?"

"Why did my mum hoover up my room today?"

"What t shirt should I wear tomorrow?"

"Should I play on Vice City?"

"My hairs a bit big today"

Ben said:
"Has Rockin' always been a plumber?"


I can answer that one....

Yes he has.... since he left school....
Kinda got told the firm Im working for wanted a trainee and that was
me... If I was intersted.
So nearly 19 years I have been there now :D