now thinking

Ben said:
Wonder how many people will shell out the money for the two flight $ix $ix $ix'$ this year..
I don't think i will be :cry: can't believe the price :shock: i'm going to sulk now :err:
wicker nomad said:
I don't think i will be :cry: can't believe the price :shock: i'm going to sulk now :err:
Maybe the price isn't so bad, the cheapest flight from Gatwick to Stockholm that weekend is £506 :shock: Still not got long enough to find the money though :(
How much is it?

I think anything above 300 pounds and not meeting all of the band is a rip off to be honest!
Ben said:
How much is it?

I think anything above 300 pounds and not meeting all of the band is a rip off to be honest!
Be ready to faint then!....£499.. A pic on stage with Bruce before the show this time, so I guess there's more chance of meeting the others. But add on getting to Gatwick and spending money and it would be at least £600 :|
Think I'll pass, thanks :|

600 pounds could buy me

Paiste Rude Hi Hats
2 decent sized Paiste Rude crashes
And maybe some hardwear if I haggled :P


I only really want to meet H and 'Arry, and Im not paying almost half a grand for the privelidge :|
Ben said:
Think I'll pass, thanks :|

600 pounds could buy me

Paiste Rude Hi Hats
2 decent sized Paiste Rude crashes
And maybe some hardwear if I haggled :P


I only really want to meet H and 'Arry, and Im not paying almost half a grand for the privelidge :|
Yep, there's no way I can justify paying that :| Maybe next time....I'd love to take Luke on one .. Just glad I went last year :D
We got the better deal last year I think because..

1.) We went to an awesome country
2.) I loved The Blue Lagoon lots
3.) I enjoyed visiting a country I'll probably never go to again
4.) Also, 300 pounds wasnt too bad, but 500 :| I'm not made of money!
Ben said:
We got the better deal last year I think because..

1.) We went to an awesome country
2.) I loved The Blue Lagoon lots
3.) I enjoyed visiting a country I'll probably never go to again
4.) Also, 300 pounds wasnt too bad, but 500 :| I'm not made of money!
Yep, Iceland was somewhere I never thought i'd get to visit, and it was great :D Even though I didn't go to the lagoon I had a great day looking for beer and food (and little wooden vikings!) with Bocky and Frester, was a day we'll never forget :D
wicker nomad said:
We're not going to have to put up with a sulking rockin :banana: :banana: :banana:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana:
da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana:
da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana:
da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana:
da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana:
da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana:
da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana:
da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana:
da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana:
da da da da da da der der :banana: :banana: