now thinking

why do ppl allow posting of ridduculous stuff on wikipedia
some ppl take it seriously
for example
you can see that the sum of current of base of transistor and collector of transistor is equal to the current of emitter or mathematically:
IE = IB + IC

and whilts this is mathematically correct, phisically thats a very bbig mistake cause Ie + Ib + Ic = 0
I'm thinking how great it will be in just over 4 months time when Myself and Miss_Bocky meet Wicky and Luke, and nomad and Killy, and frester and everybody else :banana: :D :banana: :D

It'll be great LOL I'll try and make sure we manage to get some good pictures, so we can post them on MW. :D #

Everyone will be able to see some of their friends from

Hopefully that will encourage us all tomake an effort an get to know each other. I can't wait..... :D

Sat in a nice street cafe, drinking a nice cold beer, just letting lunch slip down. Having a nice chat about Paris and MW and watching Parisian life stroll past ............

Or at least that's what Miss_Bocky and Wicky are going to be doing. I expect nomad, Killy, Luke and i are going to end up going down the Sewers and crypts. Or may be we'll be trying some really fantastic Cheeses ( perhaps followed by the odd glass of "Vin rouge" :err: if nomad insists....:err:) at one of the markets :D

I'm really excited
Here goes then........the 4000th post :?

Its not much of a landmark i know, and i've always been a believer in quality over quantitiy........

But i have to say that i'm the kind of person who is very, very "picky" about the kind of people i spend time with :oops:

I can say, without fear of being corrected, that i feel extrordinarily lucky to have enjoyed the company of you all ( and yes, i mean you all, every single on of you :grouphug: ). You've all been a great release, or focus, or concern in all the time i've been posting here.

I may not always agree with you all, and i may sometimes come across as a bit of a muppet, and sometimes as a grumpy old git :D I thank you all for accepting me as i am ( Devilshly handsome and quick witted of course :wink: )

And further thanks must go to Jon and the guys for providing such a pleasant atmosphere for us all to meet in :banana:

So thank you friends :grouphug: i feel very lucky to have been accepted in company of such a high calibre.

It remains only for me to say........

....I may not be a rich man, but i have a wealth of friends :bananarock: :grouphug:


You freaks :err:

Lovely post Bocky :grouphug:

As for the post above it...not sure who's more excited out of you and Luke LOL

Only kidding :wink: I think i'm worse than the pair of you :oops:

I can't bloody wait :banana: :banana: :banana:
wicker nomad said:
Lovely post Bocky :grouphug:

As for the post above it...not sure who's more excited out of you and Luke LOL

Only kidding :wink: I think i'm worse than the pair of you :oops:

I can't bloody wait :banana: :banana: :banana:
so take a bath and you wont wait being all bloody :D
MaidenMadness said:
when did ewil change his sig
it was something like
metal is my religion
halford is my god before :|

I'm sure it has been the big "HEAVY METAL" for a couple of days now....

B4 that it was three
which was kinda strange :err:

Dunno when the Halford one went though :?
rockin_plumber said:
I'm sure it has been the big "HEAVY METAL" for a couple of days now....

B4 that it was three
which was kinda strange :err:

Dunno when the Halford one went though :?
well it went and thats too bad caused thats the only sig here i liked :|
MaidenMadness said:
when did ewil change his sig
it was something like
metal is my religion
halford is my god before :|
I had it for almost a year ago...
I have Heavy Metal now, I can add the text to it.
And delete the pic later maybe....
Bockaaarck said:
Hi Chicky, how're you doing today? :)

pretty good, I'm staying home from school with a very very hurt shuolder, and so now I'm going to fix my computer :D and my dogs having a seizure like dream right beside me

how bout yourself?
Rockhardchick666 said:
pretty good, I'm staying home from school with a very very hurt shuolder, and so now I'm going to fix my computer :D and my dogs having a seizure like dream right beside me

how bout yourself?

and christie still can't tell time
Rockhardchick666 said:
pretty good, I'm staying home from school with a very very hurt shuolder, and so now I'm going to fix my computer :D and my dogs having a seizure like dream right beside me

how bout yourself?

LOL is your dog twitching and yelping, it always makes me laugh when dogs do that in their sleep :)

I'm doing ok, just having my lunch, i'm at work :|