now thinking

MaidenMadness said:
hmmm seems that nobody liked my video i placed in hilarious thread
dunno why its class :D
Just watched the first one...that was an advert here years ago....just made Luke start moaning at me to give up smoking :err:

I'll watch the other one in a bit :wink:
Bockaaarck said:
:shock: :shock: :shock:
so bocky have you taken a sneak preview at operation mindcrime II?
what do you think about it if you have?
i personally think its better than some of their latest work but still far from how i feel it should have been like
oh well but i heard the albums growns up on a person as he hears it more and more
MaidenMadness said:
so bocky have you taken a sneak preview at operation mindcrime II?
what do you think about it if you have?
i personally think its better than some of their latest work but still far from how i feel it should have been like
oh well but i heard the albums growns up on a person as he hears it more and more

What i've heard i like :D