now thinking

rockin_plumber said:
.oO(The beautiful game should be played on grass and not mud :| )
the pitch looked like one of so many fields in the north east part of croatia :|

but still barca won thats what counts
MaidenMadness said:
liar :x
daytime drinking is the best drinking next to early morning drinking, evening drinking and night time drinking

It might be for you..but i'm feeling like shit now i've sobered up :(
i saw liverpool's field this weekend and now i saw chelsea's
liverpool's field was in more or less perfect condition
chelsea's was well........pure crap to be gentle

in the last year and the half i'd say both liverpool and chelsea played about the same amount of games on their own grounds.
jose mouninho said that the bad condition of the field is due to many matches played on it
starting from assumption that that is so how come is it that liverpool's field is in such a great shape then? :?

maybe they should look for a new groundskeeper
and start paying off those huge debts :x :roll:
MaidenMadness said:
jose mouninho said that the bad condition of the field is due to many matches played on it
starting from assumption that that is so how come is it that liverpool's field is in such a great shape then? :?

It is obvious that they wanted to hinder Barcelona's sexy football
It failed LOL
maybe wicky, rocky, benny or bocky are not here coz they're purchasing the famous bankrobbers (20 Millions £ :shock: ) to win the 2 M£ offer to which one will help Scotland Yard to refind them LOL LOL
Frenchy said:
maybe wicky, rocky, benny or bocky are not here coz they're purchasing the famous bankrobbers (20 Millions £ :shock: ) to win the 2 M£ offer to which one will help Scotland Yard to refind them LOL LOL

At least £25 million was stolen from a cash depot in Tonbridge, Kent, with
unconfirmed reports that the final figure could be as much as £40m
rockin_plumber said:
At least £25 million was stolen from a cash depot in Tonbridge, Kent, with
unconfirmed reports that the final figure could be as much as £40m

OMG the affair of the century 8)

run, rocky, run for the $2millions :D
Frenchy said:
OMG the affair of the century 8)

run, rocky, run for the $2millions :D
he would but he can't cause of his medical problems
see he's alergic to pain he would experience when the robbers would catch him :D