now thinking

.oO(the "when are the uk dates threads" have stopped now on the IMBB :banana: )

.oO(Now they got fukin threads about Reading :x )

.oO(I will laugh so much about all the suckers who got tix to see Maiden
at Reading... and then they dont play there after all LOL LOL LOL :evil: )

.oO(I hope they dont play Reading :err: )
i would like to go out to beer with friends tonight but after studying 8 hours straight i decided it i am too tired and will just have night in
MaidenMadness said:
i would like to go out to beer with friends tonight but after studying 8 hours straight i decided it i am too tired and will just have night in

It may help you relax & sleep better you know...........

All work & no play makes MM :(