Active Member
rockin_plumber said:You got mail :wink:
Just checking :wink:
rockin_plumber said:You got mail :wink:
Snake said:ham and cheese sandwich
sixxy said:Just had pancakes
Snake said:
any left?
sixxy said:Not eating..waiting for someone to make me chicken dippers :wink:
Ben said:Overcooked :| Im rubbish
LOL LOL LOL How did you manage to overcook chicken dippers ffsBen said:Overcooked :| Im rubbish
rockin_plumber said:LOL LOL LOL How did you manage to overcook chicken dippers ffs
Ben said:Left them in the oven too long maybe :roll:
Ben said:I'll bear it in mind
wicky jr said:beans on toast
LOLFrenchy said::edbarf: don't know you english ppl, you can eat that strange things LOL