Maiden quiz

*Urchin* said:
šta se nisu oni upoznali u shopu gdje su kupovali ploče?? Nisam čitao/čuo da ih je neki tip upoznao...

Ne, upoznao ih je Dave McLaughlin koji ih je poznavao obojicu, onda su oni poceli svirati zajedno, Dave Mac i Murray su svirali a Adrian je tad samo pjevao...
_MORRISON_ said:
Ne, upoznao ih je Dave McLaughlin koji ih je poznavao obojicu, onda su oni poceli svirati zajedno, Dave Mac i Murray su svirali a Adrian je tad samo pjevao...

Ajde sad bar znam jednu informaciju više... :)
likvor said:
šta se nisu dave i adrian poznavali iz škole još?

to sam i ja mislila. živjeli su u istoj ulici i išli u istu školu dok ju Adrian nije odjebao. Znali su se prije nego šta su počeli svirati skupa ;)
Well, I've known Dave since we were 15 years old, you know. We started off playing together, we were friends before we even started music. So we always had an understanding as far as playing goes

Dave and I grew up in the same area of London and I think we probably met at the local youth club, through a mutual friend called Dave McLaughlin. I knew that Dave McLaughlin was already playing guitar and I told him that I was a singer. I wasn�t, but I thought I�d get in with these guys! Then I think Dave Mac introduced me to Dave Murray and we started playing together; they played guitar and I sang.

Two different stories from same person. :)
BoBo said:
Well, I've known Dave since we were 15 years old, you know. We started off playing together, we were friends before we even started music. So we always had an understanding as far as playing goes

Dave and I grew up in the same area of London and I think we probably met at the local youth club, through a mutual friend called Dave McLaughlin. I knew that Dave McLaughlin was already playing guitar and I told him that I was a singer. I wasn�t, but I thought I�d get in with these guys! Then I think Dave Mac introduced me to Dave Murray and we started playing together; they played guitar and I sang.

Two different stories from same person. :)
ja se isto ne sican sta je bilo prije 35 godina nije mu za zamjerit ;) LOL vazno da su se oni upoznali i da su jos uvik good friends a kad i kako vise nije tliko vazno :P
Ma muljaju obojica skrivajuci pravu istinu. Upoznali su se na broju 22. Jedan na izlasku, drugi na ulasku. ;)
BoBo said:
Two different stories from same person. :)

ma to mu se nije dalo objašnjavat vjerojatno, pa je zato rekao

to mislim da ga pitaju u svakom drugom intervjuu tako da mu je toga dosta