I should be in the Moderation Group

wicker nomad said:
This whole thread is hysterical LOL LOL LOL
You fool! This thread is not for your enjoyment, it is a matter of life or death or moderation! Now leave my court before I have you publicly executed! :x
SirLardsAlot said:
You fool! This thread is not for your enjoyment, it is a matter of life or death or moderation! Now leave my court before I have you publicly executed! :x
sorry but............ LOL LOL LOL
SirLardsAlot said:
:roll: :x

:cross: = You
rockin_plumber said:
Why do we need any more mods here :roll:

Especially those who partake in bukkake parties LOL
LOL LOL LOL You're right though..most of the time there's more mods here than "others"...can't think of a word for non-mods :oops:
I'm sorry to tell you all, but last night as I ws gazing at the stars, a vision came to me. It told me this equation and left:

2ReallyCoolGuy + 2Modship = x

It took me a long time to figure out, but I camt to realise that x = 2SirLardsAlot. When you substitute that in as x, the equation becomes:

2ReallyCoolGuy + 2Modship = 2SirLardsAlot

To simplify, we must divide by 2 and get:

ReallyCoolGuy + Modship = SirLardsAlot

Therefore, this "vision" I had tells me I ought to be a mod. I have also concluded that the being that gave me this vision was the ghost or Carroll O'Connor.


"Go styffel yourself."
wicker nomad said:
^full marks for trying LOL LOL
I know not what you're talking about. I am completely serious. I am on the road to moderation, and there is nothing you can do about it. Jon will not have to think twice about giving me the position, for I am his son, spiritually, if not physically.
SirLardsAlot said:
I know not what you're talking about. I am completely serious. I am on the road to moderation, and there is nothing you can do about it. Jon will not have to think twice about giving me the position, for I am his son, spiritually, if not physically.
LOL LOL getting funnier LOL

Or is it more desperate :?