hello thread!

I havnt seemed to be able to keep my ass here for more than 10 minutes every 3 days or so, LOL

Well, its 8pm on Christmas day and I had an arguement with my lover. We cant seem to do anything but fight lately and having that happen on Christmas creates the worst feeling inside me.

Christmas is over where most of you guys and gals live by now so Im a little late I suppose, but, hey? What can I do? LOL
Liberation said:
I havnt seemed to be able to keep my ass here for more than 10 minutes every 3 days or so, LOL

Well, its 8pm on Christmas day and I had an arguement with my lover. We cant seem to do anything but fight lately and having that happen on Christmas creates the worst feeling inside me.

Christmas is over where most of you guys and gals live by now so Im a little late I suppose, but, hey? What can I do? LOL
everithing will be right just think positive.don't worry be happy.be yourself :headbang:
Sigh, its noon on boxing day and I havnt talked to her at all today.

I found something out, her friend is trying to make her hate me. Her friend keeps trying to convince her that she has no feelings for me, that Im an asshole and that I hate her, I was up till 1 yesterday trying to convince her that her friend is lying, but she doesnt seem to accept the truth.

Im in really shit state right now, Ive been sitting around all day playing guitar and screwing around doing pointless stuff.
Frenchy said:
yeah nice and quiet coz we were too tired. But childs were here :banana: :banana: (the essential)
Nice and quiet sounds good to me :D Our day was very loud, but fun :banana:
Wow...what a long day...

I spent 4 hours at the West Edmonton Mall for the second time in 5 days for a total of 8 hours (Yes Im lame, I already know).

My life is getting back on track though and as you can see Ive been posting here alot over the past few days.

Well, thats all for now.