hello thread!

rockin_plumber said:
Xmas eve for me use to be......... down the pub midday.....
With all my mates..........
Well pissed by midnite.............
Then Xmas Day was the day to spend with the family :)

Obviously now I have a child that all changes :)
I remember the days of pub by 12...seems like a lifetime ago!

These days xmas eve is very noisy...but fun :)
rockin_plumber said:
Xmas eve for me use to be......... down the pub midday.....

With all my mates..........
Well pissed by midnite.............
Then Xmas Day was the day to spend with the family :)

Obviously now I have a child that all changes :)
well dunno for me and the people i know xmas eve was always about spending a day with your family
MaidenMadness said:
well dunno for me and the people i know xmas eve was always about spending a day with your family

And Xmas day :shock:

Dunno if I could have managed that :err:

I seem to remember goin to the pub for an hour on Xmas day 1 year LOL
rockin_plumber said:
And Xmas day :shock:

Dunno if I could have managed that :err:

I seem to remember goin to the pub for an hour on Xmas day 1 year LOL
I've never done that LOL

Xmas day and Boxing day with family for me, that's enough :err:
rockin_plumber said:
And Xmas day :shock:

Dunno if I could have managed that :err:

I seem to remember goin to the pub for an hour on Xmas day 1 year LOL
re: xmas day depends on how i'm feeling
as i recall i went out to a pub last xmas day :D
MaidenMadness said:
re: xmas day depends on how i'm feeling
as i recall i went out to a pub last xmas day :D

DO they open all day Xmas Day over there........

At the most they open for about 2/3 hours dinner time over here....
Deffinately not in the evening though :(
rockin_plumber said:
DO they open all day Xmas Day over there........

At the most they open for about 2/3 hours dinner time over here....
Deffinately not in the evening though :(
i know they're open at night
dunno about the daytime though
i'm not a cronic alcoholic like you are so i don't know when are the bars opening on what day :p

i do know that right in front of my building there is a tobbaco shop that is ALWAYS OPEN
even on xmas they work from 8 am till the midnight
which is nice cause that way i can always get cigarettes
and they sell other stuff as well like booze, rolling paper ( :evil: ), condoms, snacks... everything a man needs to have a party :D
MaidenMadness said:
why i expected better reply from you
whats wrong with you man
no witty comeback?

you my friend aren't the same man you used to be

Its the xmas spirit............. flowing to well LOL