hello thread!

MaidenMadness said:
and even you strike lucky once in a while and end up thinking like those great minds :p LOL

Rockhardchick666 said:
stupid men who don't get sex by far enough think alike.. yes.
hey rockin is it only me or when women don't have any other arguements they always try to pull out by talking bullshit about your sexual activities even if they have no clue on them whatsoever

oh well inferior intellect what can you do
MaidenMadness said:
hey rockin is it only me or when women don't have any other arguements they always try to pull out by talking bullshit about your sexual activities even if they have no clue on them whatsoever

oh well inferior intellect what can you do

we wouldn't say it unless you boys were so worried about it.
MaidenMadness said:
hey rockin is it only me or when women don't have any other arguements they always try to pull out by talking bullshit about your sexual activities even if they have no clue on them whatsoever

oh well inferior intellect what can you do

Yes I have noticed this LOL LOL LOL
Frenchy said:
ho Ivan, merry Xmas for u too dear friend :wink:

I'm here just for a few minutes.
my house is full of guests/family.
how is situation in France, or at your place?