Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Cyrus said:

I binge-drink! You have to do it if you're gonna come here :P
I thought that binge drinking was discraceful in Europe. :err:
People used to tell me that all the time to discourage me from drinking too much in Europe. I actually binge drank in Vienna once, fortunatly, no one saw me that drunk except for the people on my guided tour, but I had the worst hangover the next day.
twilightsglow said:
It's going to take a lot of effort to rid me of my independent American ways. :P

twilightsglow said:
No. I drink about an inch or so, and then I don't want it anymore. I just get tired of drinking.

If I'm out clubbing with my flatmates I get sleepy when drinking LOL It's sooooo boring, and alcohol makes me tired, so it's not a very good combination :P
Cyrus said:
If I'm out clubbing with my flatmates I get sleepy when drinking LOL It's sooooo boring, and alcohol makes me tired, so it's not a very good combination :P

You don't turn into "Wants to sleep guy"- do you? LOL