Q. Time?
A. 10:30 PM DST
Q. Today's date?
A. May 8, 2004
Q. Name on Birth Certificate?
A. James Fintel
Q. Age?
A. 17
Q. Birthday?
A. 12/07/86
Q. School/College/University?
A. Owens Community College (in high school but taking college classes)
Q. Shoe size?
A. 11
Q. Who lives with you?
A. Family...
------------------HAVE YOU EVER-----------------
Q. Ever been so drunk you blacked out?
A. Don't drink.
Q. Missed school because it was raining?
A. Only an excuse for being late for class.
Q. Put a body part on fire for amusement?
A. No...
Q. Been hurt emotionally?
A. Only human.
Q. Kept a secret from everyone?
A. Done such a good job even I can't remember.
Q. Had an imaginary friend?
A. No...
Q. Wanted to hook up with a friend?
A. Look, a bear! :: runs ::
Q. Cried during a film, if so which film?
A. Nah.
Q. Had crush on a teacher?
A. That's... wrong.
Q. Ever thought an animated character was hot?
A. No.
Q. Been on stage?
A. Yup
Q. Shampoo?
A. Why would I care? I'm a guy.
Q. Colour?
A. Red
Q. Day/night?
A. Night
Q. Lace or satin?
A. Meh.
Q. Cartoon character(s)?
A. Willy (ie?) the Gardner (Simpsons)
Q. Food?
A. Cheese!
Q. Advertisement?
A. Advertisements suck!
Q. Films?
A. The Matrix, LotR
Q. None-alcoholic beverage?
A. Mountain Dew
Q. Alcoholic beverage?
A. Don't drink.
Q. Person to talk to online
A. I hate people! :x
-------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Q. Wearing?
A. Clothes
Q. Eating?
A. Air
Q. Drinking?
A. I wish Mountain Dew
Q. Thinking about?
A. Thinking?
Q. Listening to?
A. Dream Evil - The End
--------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
Q. Cried?
A. Nope
Q. Worn jeans?
A. Yup
Q. Met someone new?
A. Nope
Q. Done laundry?
A. Nope
Q. Drove a car?
A. Nope
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Q. Yourself?
A. Sometimes
Q. Your Friends?
A. Depends who it is
Q. Santa Claus?
A. Never did
Q. Tooth Fairy?
A. Never did
Q. Angels?
A. Yes
Q. UFOs?
A. Nah
--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Q. Do u have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
A. No
Q. Like someone...if so who?
A. Yes.
Q. Who is your best friend?
A. I've got a lot of good friends
Q. Do you hate anyone?
A. Strong word... but probably.
Q. Who have you known the longest of your friends?
A. Luke.
Q. Who's the shyest?
A. Probably me...
Q. Who's the weirdest?
A. I ate Mountain Dew covered Cinnamon Toast Crunch, almost got run over by my English teacher in 8th grade, tried to decapitate my pet bird (with my teeth), took a piss on a Gateway computer once... yeah, probably me.
Q. Who do you go to for stuff?
A. I put stuff in the toliet.
Q. What's the best feeling in the world?
A. Not being shot.
Q. Worst feeling?
A. Not not being shot.
Q. Who will respond to this post the fastest?
A. Umm... I dunno?
Q. What's your favourite jelly flavour?
A. Strawberry... maybe
Q. What's the most illegal thing you've done?
A. Arson...
Q. The time now is?
A. 10:47 PM DST
Q. Who are favourite music artists and/or bands?
A. Black Sabbath, Dio, Ozzy Osbourne, Iron Maiden, Alice Cooper, AC/DC, Bruce Dickinson, Rainbow...
Q. What do you think about sex?
A. :banana:
Q. What is your biggest fear?
A. The dark. Har har.
Q. Do you believe in reincarnation?
A. Can't say that I do.
Q. What's your biggest regret?
A. There's so many to pick from...
Q. Would you ever lie to your best friend?
A. No... ...
Q. If you had just ONE wish...what would it be?
A. For two more.
Q. If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?
A. I think, bed.
Q. Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?
A. Probably one of the best albums ever! :edmetal:
Q. Can you play a musical instrument, if so what?
A. Piano (10 years) alto saxophone (5 years) guitar (just over a year)