express your anger here


:evil: :evil: :evil: LOL
MaidenMadness said:
but look at picture rockin posted they're so cute and adorable they're better than those annoying lazy ass cats
one of my cats eats spiders :D :banana: :banana: :banana:
Can't find a sodding test....but this sure made me feel good :roll: ....

Wherever you live, you're always close to a spider.
stokedasagoat said:
I'm scared of wasps...

Thats nothing to be embarrassed about :wink: ....they hurt!!!

I feel bloody stupid when i'm standing on a chair, screaming because of something that is soooo little :oops: :oops:
stokedasagoat said:
I'm scared of wasps...


Don't you worry about that. last week at work when it was really warm, we had a couple floating around the office. They gave me the heebie-jeebies, i can tell you :shock:
:shock: I was just thinking about when I lived in Mexico as a child- this one villa we lived in had a Hornet's nest (about the size of a basketball) in the corner of the ceiling. They just hovered around the room. I was freakin' scared but my uncle told me "You don't bother them- they won't bother you".

I was still scared shitless :x