Fukin neighbours :x :x
Half one this morning they let the whole town know they were on their way home :x
Slammed the door, went in to have the loudest arguement ever :x
Then all went quiet ......
Half 3 another bunch of twats shouting their way down the road....instead of using the doorbell they stood outside next door shouting that they were there :x :x :x
Another arguement :x :x
Then Eminem so loud I could hear the words :x The wall between us is about 3ft thick :shock:
By this time they'd woke Jake up :x
I got him back to sleep and finally crashed out myself....Mr wicky said they didn't go quiet til half 5 :x :shock:
This morning.......
Asked Luke if he'd like to play his guitar :evil:
As loud as it could go :evil:
With his amp against their bedroom wall :evil:
Rang my friend 2 doors down and she could hear him
LOL :evil: