SexyDevilGirl said:Oh-no. Why not? :cry:
wicker nomad said:I'm sitting here listening to Fucking Yahoo's helpline music again :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x
Cyrus said:I have to be with my mate. He got beat up last night and someone needs to keep him company :|
He's watching TV or sleeping in the living room now :|
SexyDevilGirl said:Wow, I'm so sorry. That is sad. I hope he feels better. You are a really, really, good friend. Your Karma will pay you back big time. :|
Cyrus said:He's okay. It's his pride that hurts the most :|
SexyDevilGirl said:I can imagine. What happened? A drunken brawl? :?
Cyrus said:I'm not sure...I don't know the whole story. All I know is some fuckheads wanted to pick a fight. Don't know if alcohol was involved or not.
It's not a safe place where I live :|
SexyDevilGirl said:I've noticed that. High crime rate?
I live in a very safe neighborhood-now. But I grew up in a very dangerous city. Where I work is in the center of one of the worst neighborhoods in The States. :|
Cyrus said:Well it's London, so yeah...the crime rate is pretty highBut as long as you know what you're doing, where you go, who you hang out with, it's all good
I've lived here for over one and a half years and I haven't experienced anything bad
Where do you work? South Central L.A. 8)
SexyDevilGirl said:Yup. Just south of Downtown L.A. :|
Cyrus said:Crickey :|
SexyDevilGirl said:Yup. Everyday something crazy happens very close (or inside) my building. :|
Cyrus said:Don't you want to work somewhere safer?
SexyDevilGirl said:Yes. But this is part of my job-helping the poor and homeless. There are not many of them in Beverly Hills. :|
Cyrus said:Surely there is a way of helping people without putting yourself in harms way.
I shouldn't have laughed at you!!!!rockin_plumber said:Kinda reminds me of NT HELL LOL
SexyDevilGirl said:There may be-but I only know how to do what I do now. Mostly I deal with families that have major problems- drug addiction, domestic violence, or financial troubles. I can understand what they go through-so I can help them better than some insensitive lout might. :|