about music news in general


It is known that Joan Jett is a carpet muncher. It is a documented fact. In fact, in the 70's she was licking on Lita Ford a little bit when they were in the band The Runaways. As for Carmen, she has probably done just about everything we can think of why not stray into unchartered water. Lets face it Joan Jett is still hot as hell and so is Carmen E. That would be something that would shake up youtube if it ever got on there. We can only wish. Anyways, I couldn't NOT post to that comment. Haha. Have a great weekend and jam MAIDEN.
Ben said:
Rush on tour in October :banana:

btw they forgot France Paris another time :cry: (for the moment i hope)

i never saw them. I think they one time in France in 20 years. Last time it was during the 'roll the bones' tour and i missed it
RYÆN said:

Megadeth are going to have a new version of A Tout Le Monde on their next album!


Dunno if the majority of the fans think it's a good thing, but I like this version. The original is better, but this is still really good.

It's recorded with Christina Scabia from Lacuna Coil :wink:

And no. I preferred the original. It wasn't broke, It didn't need fixing. :|
Yes, which is my most anticipated album this year.

Year Zero and Systematic Chaos are a close second (and third maybe?) though.
Looking forward to the new Megadeth album...I hope its following the pattern of the last two albums & not another'Risk'.....still don't understand why Mustaine stabbed Dave Ellefson in the back after all the years they went through together & all his drug & alcohol problems!!!
Dave Mustaine comes across like a bit of a dickhead :| I like Megadeth alot, but I dont think I'd want to meet him.
Well the signs were there in his sacking in Metallica (which seemed a bit harsh when you watch Some Kind Of Monster) cos of drinking etc then the problems got bigger but although I admire his fight & determination to get his music career back on track after his hand damage, which forced him to disband a great line up- Mustaine Ellefson, Degrasso, Pitrelli - but to then just drop Ellefson, for reasons I still don't know, after all that time really shows what a prick he can be!!!
i recommand to each one that like dream theater, queensryche or dragonforce to listen to Communic. They are really amazing 8)
Deadman Rockin said:
Well the signs were there in his sacking in Metallica (which seemed a bit harsh when you watch Some Kind Of Monster) cos of drinking etc then the problems got bigger but although I admire his fight & determination to get his music career back on track after his hand damage, which forced him to disband a great line up- Mustaine Ellefson, Degrasso, Pitrelli - but to then just drop Ellefson, for reasons I still don't know, after all that time really shows what a prick he can be!!!

That line up wasn't 'that' good. Degrasso was poo live (listen to his take on 'Wake up dead') and Pitrelli was a session musician at best. He even admits that most of what he's used to, is reading and playing along to sheet music charts.
If you compare 'Rude Awakening' to 'That one night' there is no Competition. 8)
And part of the reason for ditching Ellefson was apparently his lack of ambition. He would only ever do 'enough', hardly ever pushing himself. His Sacking had been a long time coming, there was talk of getting rid of him 10 years ago, before Risk, but Mustaine was determined to keep him in the band. But, allegedly, he was demanding exorbitant fee's for doing fuck all. :|