Novi album je legendaran...Posebno moram izdvojiti pjesmu For The Greater Good Of God,ajme ta mi je pjesma legendarna....što je više slušam to mi je sve bolja i bolja...a nije mi ni The Legacy puno lošija od nje....ma novi album mi je nevjerovatno dobar.... :banana:
poslušao sam ga do pola i zasad su mi dobre Different Worlds, These Colours Don't Run i Brighter Than A Thousand Suns.
Digit Magazine has a short article in it's latest issue about the studio who created the CG world we see in the latest Iron Maiden video. This is the same company who also created Dance of Death's "Wildest Dreams" CG video. To read the full article, read the full story.

Animation production company, Bird Studios, has completed the latest promo for veteran rock band Iron Maiden.

Scripted by Howard Greenhalgh, Different World‚ is a bleak take on the Nature vs Science story and features an animated Bruce Dickinson, as he struggles to out-run the evil ruling power.

With a running time of over four minutes, the promo for Different World was produced using Maya 8.0, Shake, Z-Brush, Paint and Photoshop – and took the animation studio eight weeks to complete.

"The treatment from Howard was extremely detailed – almost a film script – and required a very narrative led piece which gave us enormous scope to work with. We needed to present a grim and dark vision of the world, and create scenes that would hold the viewer as a real‚ action thriller would do," explains Ian Bird, animation director and producer at Bird Studios.

Reminiscent of Soylent Green‚ The Matrix‚ and even bits of early Star Wars‚ Different World‚ opens on a massive Eddie (Maiden's archangel mascot‚), holding a planet in the palm of his claw. The camera then zooms into that world where Bird and team have created a harsh, monochromatic and incredibly detailed cityscape, which seems to be growing before our eyes.

Howard Greenhalgh, director, continues "The brief was to create a future world that would (courtesy of Eddie)
destroy itself. I referenced stylistic movies such as Metropolis‚ and Soylent Green‚ but stressed that we had to create a contemporary version of these, not simply emulate them. I hadn't originally intended Bruce to be the star of the video, but the animators thought they could deliver him as the protagonist and I think it really helps the audience (fans) to engage with the storyline, and I'm sure Bruce had a laugh when he saw his awesome agility (although he's one hell of an athlete in real life). The guys at Sanctuary gave us enormous freedom to go with it‚. This kind of confidence is very rare in these controlling days within our industry. They wanted the next step from Wildest Dreams – the previous promo from Ian and his team – and Bird Studios has pulled off a miracle to deliver so much in so little time. Not just a small step, in my opinion they jumped a whole staircase."

The film consists of a number of complex shots, such as Dickinson throwing himself through a tiny hatch, before the camera pulls away and we see him swinging 1000ft off the ground, clinging to the side of a colossal skyscraper, then falling to bounce in the top of a Zeppelin air ship. Equally impressive is the level of detail and texture within the
piece – as in one particular instance where the camera is speeding over an open sea.
Gul_Ranek said:
Ne znam zasto bacaju pare na te lose animirane spotove ako mogu puno manje potrositi na lose ne-animirane spotove. :D

odgovor je jednostavan.
više im se ne da snimatspotove, to ih iscrpljuje i ubija (kao i foto sessioni) pa zato im je jednostavniji dat više para za animirani spot, i ''doć na gotovo'' nego se patit oko snimanja
pa nisu ni ti animirani spotovi tak strašni
kakve veze ima jel spot animiran ili nije..pa neslusas da bi ih gledao ( iako su lijepi za gledat al ope)
Maiden croatia said:
ja ne znam za vas, ali meni je ovaj album polako ušetao među najbolje...

odmah sam rekla nakon šta sam ga preslušala, da mi se lista top3 promijenila :D ne znam je li to dobro ili loše LMAO
axy said:
odmah sam rekla nakon šta sam ga preslušala, da mi se lista top3 promijenila :D ne znam je li to dobro ili loše LMAO

:D iskreno, ja moram priznat da nikak nemrem odrediti najbolje...svi su mi na prvom mjestu (iskljucujem one sa blazeom). ukljucujuci i ovaj novi jer ga cesto slusam u zadnje vrijeme. To me tak zivcira... :x