zanimljivosti u vezi Maidena

pa dobro , već je prije spoemnuto da dečko ima 16 godina , ne moraš uvijek tražit jeben greške u svemu , pročitaj tekst...znamo svi da su fulali , na toj stranici uvijek ima nekih gluparija za pročitat tako da to nije ništa novo

ne moraš se meni ispričavat :roll: ja te to nisam niti tražio
Scream for me said:
pa dobro , već je prije spoemnuto da dečko ima 16 godina , ne moraš uvijek tražit jeben greške u svemu , pročitaj tekst...znamo svi da su fulali , na toj stranici uvijek ima nekih gluparija za pročitat tako da to nije ništa novo

ne moraš se meni ispričavat :roll: ja te to nisam niti tražio

kao prvo ne ispričava se ljudima kad oni traže to nego kad se tako osječaš. :wink:
ali ovo nije tema za to
htio sam reći da je to pogreška, a ja ne znam da oni rade puno grešaka jer tu stranicu nikad ne posječujem.
na toj stranici je bilo puno imaginarnih koncerata od kojih su čak i judas priesti u zg prošle godine LOL

šta se tiče isprika , ja ne vidim gdje si ti pogriješio te ne vidim potrebu za ikakvom isprikom jer ti ja nisam ništa za zlo uzeo... :)
Nisam znao kamo da ovo stavim, pa cu tu. Poslusajte Wasting Love sa A Real Live One - onaj tempo kojeg Nicko kuca prije pocetka pjesme nema apsolutno nikakve veze sa tempom kojim oni pocinju svirati pjesmu! Hahahahaha! Umro sam od smijeha! :D
Da, malo smiješno više se nadaš hallowed ili afraid koji imaju taj tempo nego ovoj, al dobro, da se progutat (gotovo da se ni ne skuži ako ne pratiš pažljivo), nego ako imate koji program za sviranje unatrag stavite onaj govor sa ˝still life˝ (vjerojatno to već znate ˝stara fora˝), ali pratite što govori. :) [/code]
ja sam to još davne 86-te unatrag odvrtio na LP ploči... e to je bila akcija LOL i pravi užitak onog zastrašujućeg sviranja unatrag, malo izobličenog, kad se ploča unatrag neravnomjerno vrti... Ovako digitalno nije fora...
The following report is courtesy of John Dingwall

Iron Maiden have laid the gauntlet down to their Scots fans... let's hear you if you think we rock hard enough.

The band play the SECC in Glasgow on Friday, December 15, and Scots heading to the gig are being challenged to outdo Maiden's European and Scandinavian fans who treat the band like rock gods...

I caught the band's sell-out show in Barcelona last week, in front of 18,000 mad Spanish fans who knew every word of the band's new Matter Of Life And Death album and the Irons delivered a blistering set.

That means Scots fans will have their work cut out to live up to their reputation as the best live audience in the world.

Just be prepared for a wonderful stage prop which will be rolled out towards the end of the show, which continues Maiden's reputation for theatrics.

And, of course, Eddie will be making his usual appearance during the show which also sees TRIVIUM acting as support.

Most of the album, if not all, will be performed on the night and it's themes of war and religion couldn't be more fitting with Iraq and muslim fundamentalism hot on the agenda.

Now in their 31st year together as one of the world's leading metal bands, guitarist Dave Murray said: "You want to capture the album live. So it's going to be a lot of fun. It should also be visually stimulating and as for playing, it's going to be a great challenge for us."

Meanwhile, dad-of three and Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson explained the thinking behind the songs on their latest CD.

He said: "It's real life as it surrounds us. That's what's all around at the moment.

"When I was a kid, it was all about the Cold War and the four minute warning and how we were all going to get dissolved into some radioactive cinder. There's a few other things now' terrorists, fundamentalists, dirty bombs, droughts, global warming, bird flu and God knows what. So there's a whole bunch of miniapocalypses out there waiting to get you.

"We are kind of a blokey sort of band. We're not new men and all that kind of stuff. We're blokes. Wars and battles and struggles strike a chord. We have kids, so you sit there and think: 'Well what kind of a world are our kids going to grow up in?' So the new album touches all the bases really."

The singer added: "I've been in one or two war zones. Years ago I ended up in Bosnia in the middle of the war in Sarajevo, that was a very, very sobering experience. I've been to one or two of the African countries and experienced the after effects of wars. Civil wars and things like that are pretty vile. You just can't believe the depths of barbarity people will stoop to, particularly with respect to children. Not that it should make any difference. The human being is just the same. The other thing you notice is the way people bounce back. It's the way the people survive and try and rebuild afterwards. That's the other remarkable thing. So there's always some kernel of hope within all this carnage."

Bruce, 48, has to be one of the few genuine rock stars who records his million-selling albums during his holidays from work.

A qualified pilot, he made A Matter Of Life And Death when not clocking up the air miles nine-to-five.

Bruce admitted: "I'm a full-time airline pilot and I do everything I need to do on my days off - like booking some holidays. It's great when what you do on your holiday is doing stuff with Iron Maiden. It's cool. People say: 'what did you do on your holiday?' 'Oh I made an Iron Maiden record, you know."
*Wratchild* said:
Da, malo smiješno više se nadaš hallowed ili afraid koji imaju taj tempo nego ovoj, al dobro, da se progutat (gotovo da se ni ne skuži ako ne pratiš pažljivo), nego ako imate koji program za sviranje unatrag stavite onaj govor sa ˝still life˝ (vjerojatno to već znate ˝stara fora˝), ali pratite što govori. :) [/code]
već mi je ofucana ova tema, o tome smo pričali preko 30 puta sigurno
Za ovo je Pista i sam potvrdio da joj je uvaljao majicu jednom kad su se sreli negdje. Majica je garantirano od naseg benda Hard Time :)
A youth football team sponsored by rock band Motorhead will take on heavy metal rivals Iron Maiden in a charity match.

The Lincoln boys football team won a sponsorship coup with a difference after striking a deal with heavy metal band Motorhead.

The Greenbank under-10s B team have the internationally renowned band's name on their shirts along with the band's motif - a skull named Snaggletooth.

The North Hykeham team also run out to the band's famous Ace of Spades track.

Since the deal was announced the team have been constantly in the media spotlight and have even featured on BBC's Football Focus.

After hearing about the sponsorship, a fellow team backed by rockers Iron Maiden challenged the youngsters to a match.

Maiden Youth under 10s who play in the East London and Essex League, will play Greenbank in two games next season, one at West Ham United's ground, Upton Park, the other at Hull City's KC stadium.

Manager of Greenbank, Gary Weight, who used to know singer Lemmy during his days working as a band tour manager in the 1980s said the challenge came out of the blue

"The bass player and founder of Iron Maiden, Steve Harris, has a son who plays youth football and their team has been sponsored by the band," he said.

"When they heard about us they got in touch and wanted to set up a game. The first game is on May 20, with the second on May 27 in Hull. They are both celebrity charity events and they are held every year at stadiums around the country.

" The Iron Maiden team has been running since under sevens- it will be a real – it will be a real spectacle."

The Greenbank tem got the chance to meet Motorhead last month when the band played a gig at Nottingham's Rock City.

Mr. Weight also took his son Chrley (nine) who plays for Greenbank to meet The Zutons when they played at Lincoln's Engine Shed a few weeks ago.

"When we walked in the band all recognised Charley from TV," he said.

"It was quite funny because the school The Zutons used to go to was Greenbank."

Manager of Maiden Youth, Mark Abery, from Essex, whose son Beau plays midfield said he was looking forward to taking on the Motorhead boys.

"I organise the celebrity Soccer Six tournaments every year, which features people like Rod Stewart, Ant and Dec and Robbie Williams," he said.

"It should be a really good match, it's not every day you see two teams like this taking each other on.
E bok ljudi!

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ajme ma sto nije Janick najbolji??????
E da ima ko slike iz Milana na kompjuteru da mi posalje na e-mail
stay heavy!
