When will Miss rockin give birth? Place your bets!

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what if noone wins?

then rockin can't keep 10 quid cause it wouldn't differ from the situation in which he wins so that wouldn't be fair
MaidenMadness said:
what if noone wins?

then rockin can't keep 10 quid cause it wouldn't differ from the situation in which he wins so that wouldn't be fair

Whoever comes nearest to the date will win.
Cyrus said:
Whoever comes nearest to the date will win.
lets say baby that on 5 july at 23:59 baby's head comes out but the whole baby comes out on 6th july at 00:00. then who will win? ewil or manowar?
Cyrus said:
Which would make Ewil right ..not Manowar :oops: :oops:

note to me..... don't post and watch BB at the same time!!! :oops:
wicker nomad said:
They state the time of birth when the chord is cut

Yeah, but that's just a formality :P When the baby takes its first breath on its own, I believe it's born. Not when the doctor decides to cut the chord :)
wicker nomad said:
Which would make Ewil right ..not Manowar :oops: :oops:

note to me..... don't post and watch BB at the same time!!! :oops:
why don't you write that notes to sticky notes and stick them oin your computer :?
Cyrus said:
Yeah, but that's just a formality :P When the baby takes its first breath on its own, I believe it's born. Not when the doctor decides to cut the chord :)
ok lets imagine this situation
baby inhales at 23:59:59 on 5th july and exhales at 00:00:01 at 6th of july

who wins?
Cyrus said:
Yeah, but that's just a formality :P When the baby takes its first breath on its own, I believe it's born. Not when the doctor decides to cut the chord :)
I can't be 100% positive.....but i'm pretty sure that my 2 didn't breathe until their body was out. In Lukes case he didn't take a breathe for a few minutes as he needed his airway clearing.
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