what are you doing right now

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MaidenMadness said:
well its sth called maiden-england. i have 300 mbs more.......and i have a 56k dialup modem :evil:
Ahaa... Buy it, and support Maiden... :evil: I got DSL yesterday and now I've loaded WWE-videos and a lot mp3's like hell... Need to buy a new harddrive and more RAM, but the money... Yes, the money...
ewil said:
Ahaa... Buy it, and support Maiden... :evil: I got DSL yesterday and now I've loaded WWE-videos and a lot mp3's like hell... Need to buy a new harddrive and more RAM, but the money... Yes, the money...
i would buy it if i saw it on sale somewhere where i don't have to leave my credit card number to a bunch of ppl i never saw. i never trusted internet shopping and i never will
MaidenMadness said:
i would buy it if i saw it on sale somewhere where i don't have to leave my credit card number to a bunch of ppl i never saw. i never trusted internet shopping and i never will
Pay to his (seller) account and he'll send the vid/dvd to you, if he won't sent you can sue him.
ewil said:
Pay to his (seller) account and he'll send the vid/dvd to you, if he won't sent you can sue him.
at the rate of croatian courst by the time my case gets on court i will be 35...

and i am 20 now...and i am not exaturaging
MaidenMadness said:
at the rate of croatian courst by the time my case gets on court i will be 35...

and i am 20 now...and i am not exaturaging
In finland's on-line auctions the ppl who don't pay or send the stuff, it will be informed to police...
at work !!!!

I'm waiting 19 pm to leave and I'm going to run to watch the football match of the year !!!


(monaco mules)

and buy some beer ............ :banana:
the_nomad said:
at work !!!!

I'm waiting 19 pm to leave and I'm going to run to watch the football match of the year !!!


(monaco mules)

and buy some beer ............ :banana:
DADO PRSO :banana: :banana: :banana:
MaidenMadness said:

now downloading the satanic bible - Anton Szander LaVey edition :evil:
Just for fun...
From where?! I've tried to get Necronomicon, Satanic Wich and Satanic Bible from the on-line auctions, but the price has always gotten too high...
Now I've got Necronomicon and R'lyeh Books loaded...
ewil said:
Just for fun...
From where?! I've tried to get Necronomicon, Satanic Wich and Satanic Bible from the on-line auctions, but the price has always gotten too high...
Now I've got Necronomicon and R'lyeh Books loaded...
don't know i just clicked download and closed the window.....

i can mail it to you if you want
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