what are you doing right now

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rockin_plumber said:
:shock: And I thought u were gonna correct me then

Nope, i kind of realised the seriousness of the situation when you mentioned the lack of Beer, luckily there was a chair near by, and i managed to calm myself by taking a seat and applying a damp face-cloth to my brow :|
rockin_plumber said:
Well I cant be moving at this time with Miss rockin 7 months gone
and wobbling about :|
And I like it here too :P

Yaaaaayyyyyyy, its not long before we get some little rockin's :D Hope Miss rockin's doing ok :)
Bockaaarck said:
Yaaaaayyyyyyy, its not long before we get some little rockin's :D Hope Miss rockin's doing ok :)

:shock: Only one unless there's more hiding in there and they're camera
Yeah she doin fine :banana:
Goin to bed now I'm soooooooo tired
Goodnite to Bocky & Wicker Nomad and I just noticed MaidenMadness
arrive so goodnite to him too.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
rockin_plumber said:
Goodnite to Bocky & Wicker Nomad and I just noticed MaidenMadness
arrive so goodnite to him too.

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Sleep tight :)
I'm going to leave you both to it, i'm off to bed. Look after yourselves, and have a nice nights sleep :) :grouphug: see you both soon :)
Bockaaarck said:
These concerns are only temporary my friend :) mainly as you are very nice and smashing, so you're bound to find a way around these particular problems :D

Thanks Bocky. Those were some mighty kind words there old chap :D
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