what are you doing right now

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SexyDevilGirl said:
I don't clean all the time- just every weekend or when guests come over :|

You're supposed to relax during the weekends :P And stop having so many guests over :anorak:
OMG! This Danzig album (Blackacidevil) I'm downloading sucks major balls!
LOL I'll remember that the next time I have people over. That-or I'll make them help me clean LOL

And I could have told you that BlackAcidDevil reeks :x
SexyDevilGirl said:
LOL I'll remember that the next time I have people over. That-or I'll make them help me clean LOL

And I could have told you that BlackAcidDevil reeks :x

Make them help you LOL That will surely make them come back for more visits :evil:

It's a load of crap :( Wonder why I'm still downloading it :|
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