what are you doing right now

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SexyDevilGirl said:
I'm wondering where's Bocky? Has he been here lately? i want to know if he has seen Queensryche yet? :?
He was here yesterday....don't think he's seen them yet.....i'm sure he'll let us know in pure Bocky fashion when he has :D
SexyDevilGirl said:
I can see it now- "Pip-pip cheerio, they were smashing" :D

LOL I haven't seen them yet, the gigs on the 10th of June. And i'm sure you'll be right about their performance, it'll be "top hole", "jolly hockysticks" and "keen as mustard" :banana:

Pips - Pips (from the Melon i had earlier :err:)


Bockaaarck said:
LOL I haven't seen them yet, the gigs on the 10th of June. And i'm sure you'll be right about their performance, it'll be "top hole", "jolly hockysticks" and "keen as mustard" :banana:

Pips - Pips (from the Melon i had earlier :err:)



I saw them Wednesday and they were :shock: :shock: :shock: :banana: :banana: :banana: awesome. Geoff's voice was amazing and they played more than half of Operation:Mindcrime
I hope you have a good time 8)
Cyrus said:
Still bored? :)
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