what are you doing right now

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Cyrus said:
I'm eating strawberries now! :shock:

They're so sweet and juicy!

There are several "grower's" near where i live who's strawberry crop goes to Wimbledon, they are sooooooo yummy :shock: :shock: :shock: Luckily we get them at a pretty standard rate, cos we're "local" :err:
Bockaaarck said:
There are several "grower's" near where i live who's strawberry crop goes to Wimbledon, they are sooooooo yummy :shock: :shock: :shock: Luckily we get them at a pretty standard rate, cos we're "local" :err:

Send some my way :D
Bockaaarck said:
Did you have an exam or report to hand in :? how did you get on :? or do you have to wait for the marks ? :|

I had a multiple choice test today. It went...okay :| But I got back some marks from my social psychology class, and I was very pleased with that :D
I'm going to have to go to bed old friends :| but i gues i'll see you tomorrow :)

Night-night, look after each other :D

Pip-pip :wink:
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