what are you doing right now

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MaidenMadness said:
as scotty from star trek would say she can't hold it much longer ca'pn
Someone has to do something :( ...we never seem to be here at the same time anymore :?

We need a rota :D
I HAVE DONE IT!!!!i had too much time on my hands to i listened stairways to heaven backwards over and over until i found it.......a part of song that contains the mythical backwards message that goes sth like this we're living cause we've been there.......here's to my sweet (didn't understood it, but the rumour is its Satan)

i have the clip isolated, reversed so you can cearly hear this :banana: so much abt that hidden message is only a rumor bullshit you can hear carefully

next thing searching for hidden messages in anotherone bites the dust...the nrumor has it it's loaded with them
rockin_plumber said:
Try this I dont go for it myself but someone is obviously
convinced about it :roll:

Stairway to heaven

BTW the page takes a little while to load

no that messgae on that clip isn't the one i discovered. this is the one where you can hear .... satan .........satan.........666

that is the different one
From MSN :shock:

SirLardsAlot: The Pizza Messiah says:
shut up Cyrus, you're retarded and ugly

Cyrus says:
And you're gay

SirLardsAlot: The Pizza Messiah says:
at least I'm not ugly 8)

Cyrus says:
At least I'm not having men fuck me up the ass :D

SirLardsAlot: The Pizza Messiah says:
(at least I'm getting something, Cy, unlike you) :err: :err: :err:
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