what are you doing right now

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twilightsglow said:
It seems like the kind of thing you'd like. I suppose if it was mainstream, you'd have heard of it. :)

Yeah maybe :)

Lately there are lots of mainstream movies that I haven't heard about :| I never find the time or money to check out new movies anymore :P
Cyrus said:
Yeah maybe :)

Lately there are lots of mainstream movies that I haven't heard about :| I never find the time or money to check out new movies anymore :P

I don't know what movies are out anymore! LOL
Cyrus said:
Why not? You don't like movies? :?
I do, but there's an awful lot of crap.
Cyrus said:
Yeah, that's an important factor LOL
I haven't seen any of the big Disney animated features in years. :(
There's been a lot of animation coming out lately. I saw Treasure Planet a couple months ago. It was good. :)
twilightsglow said:
I haven't seen any of the big Disney animated features in years. :(
There's been a lot of animation coming out lately. I saw Treasure Planet a couple months ago. It was good. :)

I wanted to see Treasure Planet, but my stupid flatmates would rather watch movies like Manhatten Maiden with J Ho! :x So I never got the chance :|
twilightsglow said:
:D They did a beautiful job when they keyed the palettes. The colors they used were

This is getting too technical for me :P

You should post some of your own drawings. We're all dying to see them :)
Cyrus said:
This is getting too technical for me :P

You should post some of your own drawings. We're all dying to see them :)
Look at the way they use colors. :) I know, this is something only artists can get all :anorak: about.

Ok. Once I get them back from my friend. She asked me to do one more before she completes the book. :)
twilightsglow said:
Look at the way they use colors. :) I know, this is something only artists can get all :anorak: about.

Ok. Once I get them back from my friend. She asked me to do one more before she completes the book. :)

I've seen the trailer, and I just thought the colours looked cool :D I didn't notice anything in details :)

Great :banana: Can't wait to see them :D What did you draw for her? Some kind of Japanese anime figures? :)
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