what are you doing right now

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twilightsglow said:
No, you don't have to clean. I like when little critters are running around. :err: :P

I can't clean because the critters like the dirt, and they are so cuuuuute :D I can't get rid of them :P
twilightsglow said:
Awwww! I love cute animals. Especially the ones with more than 4 legs. :P

The ones I have here have 8 legs, they come out at night and they eat their own children :shock: Can you guess what it is :evil:
twilightsglow said:
Spiders? I can't remember how many legs spiders have. :err:

Yeah, spiders and daddy-longlegs. There are millions of them here in the summer :x I get more of them since my room is on the ground floor :(
Cyrus said:
Yeah, spiders and daddy-longlegs. There are millions of them here in the summer :x I get more of them since my room is on the ground floor :(
I think daddy-longlegs are cute. :D We get a lot of spiders here too.
twilightsglow said:
I think daddy-longlegs are cute. :D We get a lot of spiders here too.

I used to kill them before. I hate insects :| Now I just try to carefully let them out. I've become a Buddhist :D
twilightsglow said:
It was friggin huge! I didn't want to go near the corpse. LOL

Why didn't you get someone else to clean it up? LOL That's what my friend did after the two years. He got his mum to do it :P
Cyrus said:
Why didn't you get someone else to clean it up? LOL That's what my friend did after the two years. He got his mum to do it :P
LOL It blended right in with the paint job. You couldn't tell it was there. :D
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