what are you doing right now

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Cyrus said:
Hehe, why don't you get a summer job at one of those camps? :)
Yeah! My sister did, for a few years. Most of the people who worked there were teachers, but you would never guess that from the way they acted.

I'd have to do the initiation. :err: Dunk my head in a cooler full of Cheerios and Kool Aid. They called it elephant's blood and brains. LOL :D
twilightsglow said:
Yeah! My sister did, for a few years. Most of the people who worked there were teachers, but you would never guess that from the way they acted.

I'd have to do the initiation. :err: Dunk my head in a cooler full of Cheerios and Kool Aid. They called it elephant's blood and brains. LOL :D


That sounds like so much fun! :D I might get a summer job in the States :banana:
twilightsglow said:
:) That would be so cool! :metal:

I will come to the US within the next two years. I'm planning on driving from coast to coast. It's always been my dream :D

My friend did that a couple of years ago. He had the time of his life!
Cyrus said:
I will come to the US within the next two years. I'm planning on driving from coast to coast. It's always been my dream :D

My friend did that a couple of years ago. He had the time of his life!
A road trip! :metal: How long did it take?
twilightsglow said:
:banana: :banana: This is gonna be so cool.

I just thought about something...what if I'm not here next year
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