wicker nomad said:
If the 2 of you didn't bite so well, I think rockin would stop trying to wind you up LOL :wink:
insults aren't taken kindly round here, its how i've been brought up
Jon said:
Eek this thread was VERY premature. 85% of our users have 0 posts, so to choose one at random the odds are they're just lurking.

I'd like it to be different, but .. :roll:
Reading through the thread, this cracked me up LOL

I have a few more than 0 posts LOL
wicker nomad said:
Reading through the thread, this cracked me up LOL

I have a few more than 0 posts LOL
admit it you post so much just so you could be number one poster, rub it in jons face and then leave us forever, right?
if you're really gonna leave us forever then - :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :P :D
MaidenMadness said:
admit it you post so much just so you could be number one poster, rub it in jons face and then leave us forever, right?
if you're really gonna leave us forever then - :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :P :D
I could never leave you MM :D

who would I kick in the nuts :P
wicker nomad said:
I could never leave you MM :D

who would I kick in the nuts :P

please not me !!!!!!!
wicker nomad said:
How are you? :) Not seen you here much the last few days :(

not very often at the house :( or when I'm here, I have a lot of work 8) and watching the 2nd season of 24 H on dvd :banana:
the_nomad said:
not very often at the house :( or when I'm here, I have a lot of work 8) and watching the 2nd season of 24 H on dvd :banana:
make sure you don't forget about us :wink: