The Big Brother Addicts Thread

rockin_plumber said:
Pour me
Pour me
Pour me................... another drink :|

WANKER :x :x :x
That who;e arguement was unbelievable :shock: and a fukin MP too :|

At least he got the biggest boo in history :banana:
wicker nomad said:
Davina's about to tell me :D

I knew that half an hour ago LOL
Didnt know whether to believe it or not :|
But the betting sites were still takin bets :x :x :x
And I didnt take the chance :(
wicker nomad said:
don't you believe me :err:

you've got a reputation
we BB haters have our secret organization where we keep track of all publicaly outspoken BB fans....oops said too much

no wait where are you taking me
i'm sorry
she used mind tricks on me

*mortal silence broken only by a sound wind blowing through partialy open balcony door*
MaidenMadness said:
you've got a reputation
we BB haters have our secret organization where we keep track of all publicaly outspoken BB fans....oops said too much

no wait where are you taking me
i'm sorry
she used mind tricks on me

*mortal silence broken only by a sound wind blowing through partialy open balcony door*
You will see the light one day LOL
Thats whats going to be on TV ALL SUMMER in my house then :| I dont mind Big Brother, but watching it 24/7 is a bit much :| or having a Big Brother party like my mum and sister have every year :shock:
Ben said:
Thats whats going to be on TV ALL SUMMER in my house then :| I dont mind Big Brother, but watching it 24/7 is a bit much :| or having a Big Brother party like my mum and sister have every year :shock:
I'm not that bad then LOL Never had a BB party.....could be worth thinking about though :err:
Big Brother party AKA get Ben out of the house, get all their friends round, get take away food, get drunk and watch Big Brother :err: