The Big Brother Addicts Thread

rockin_plumber said:
She looks fuckin wierd...........

And that Jon McWhateverhisfukinnameis.........Grade A. PRICK
A page where I can reach quote :banana: :banana:

John is behaving worse than a toddler :shock: He is what you said LOL
I would have took great pleasure in coming out of the diary room and telling him...then he would have looked like this....

Watching E4 now

Sly's mum asking john if he might have had a stroke or lost his marbles LOL

He's just staring at her LOL

MaidenMadness said:
has it been bitten off by some hanibal lector die hard fan? :? :D
not as exciting as that LOL

He spends all his time picking his nose and eating it...or wiping it on anything :| :edbarf:
wicker nomad said:
not as exciting as that LOL

He spends all his time picking his nose and eating it...or wiping it on anything :| :edbarf:
EATING IT :shock: :shock: :shock:
ok i can understand wiping it on anything i used to do that
but eating it :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: