The all new what are you doing now thread

rockin_plumber said:
Can post this now Hidden users left

i did that cus some of the people there are pricks and if they found this place they'd kill it
honestly man
you know how much i know IMBB :wink:
manic said:
really pissed off wid my old mate now
fucki puts the phone down straight away
i got several emails saying when i tryed to log in i clicked the forgot my password so i traced the ip address to my old mates house
fuckin ginger retard :x
ha ha ha
comes up to me today and says
"you alright, look jacks gemme a link to his site (jack is crono who i fell out wid) i'm gonna completely trash it and come back to yours" so i said
but as soon as he does jack won't like him
i'm not gonna accept him back as a friend or member nd he'll be an outcast of his 2 best mates
manic said:
and give it me
btw #
who loves the chocolate is my new ring tone
i recorded it and saved it as a midi file then downloaded it to my phone
LOL LOL LOL I neeeed that ringtone!! LOL LOL

I have a mono phone though
rockin_plumber said:
LOL LOL LOL I thought I was crackin up..........

I thought a saw manics av move :err:

I did didn't I :?
its from salad fingers 2: friends
lemme get the link
rockin_plumber said:
Who will do such a thing :|

I can look and see if it is anyone here..........

But not until they post :x
But u seriously think he'll post? :roll:
Manic u better not be having a psstake! :x