The all new what are you doing now thread

MaidenMadness said:
so what is tikka masala?

Indian food

MaidenMadness said:
so what is tikka masala?

Definition : chicken tikka masala , n. • mild curry dish of chicken in a tomato-based sauce, cooked tandoori style (in a charcoal-fired oven). Optional hefty dose of tartrazine lends luminescent orange glow. (As described by BBC)
Chicken tikka masala has a truly postcolonial history, produced when one of the world's greatest cuisines found itself confronted by a British palette unused to anything spicier than table salt. Legend has it one obstinate diner demanded gravy on tandoori chicken. A bemused chef responded by adding tin of Campbell's tomato soup and pinch of spices, unwittingly partaking in early example of fusion cookery.

" Chicken Tikka Massala is now a true British national dish, not only because it is the most popular, but because it is a perfect illustration of the way Britain absorbs and adapts external influences. Chicken Tikka is an Indian dish. The Massala sauce was added to satisfy the desire of British people to have their meat served in gravy. "
- Extract from a speech by British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook.
Facts and Figures about Chicken Tikka Masala (CTM)

Sainsbury's sell 1.6 million CTM meals every year and stocks 16 CTM-related products including chicken tikka masala pasta sauce. Other derivations include CTM crisps, CTM pizzas, CTM kievs and Marks and Spencer's famous CTM sandwiches (18 tonnes devoured every week).
A 1998 survey by Real Curry Restaurant Guide of 48 different CTMs found only common ingredient was chicken.
Chicken Tikka Masala

23 million portions a year are sold in Indian restaurants.
10 tonnes of Chicken Tikka Masala a day are produced by Noon Products destined for supermarkets.
Most schools and charities in Sylhet, Bangladesh are run by proceeds from its sales.
Chef Iftekar Haris from Newport, Gwent has written a musical in praise of it.
Organisers of Kingfisher National Curry Day claim that if all the portions sold in one year in UK were stacked they would constitute a tikka tower 2770 times taller than the Greenwich Millennium Dome.
rockin_plumber said:
Fish & Chips is THE national british dish I do believe :?
speaking of england my dad is going over there on monday. hes staying till friday. and i was sitting in my room when my dad walked in and asked me what should he get me from england. i told him nothing. he continued i bet you would like some about a cd from iron maiden :shock: :shock: . now what shocked me was the fact that my dad despises music and doesn't even know stuff like who mick jagger is. and he knew about iron maiden :shock: :shock:
MaidenMadness said:
speaking of england my dad is going over there on monday. hes staying till friday. and i was sitting in my room when my dad walked in and asked me what should he get me from england. i told him nothing. he continued i bet you would like some about a cd from iron maiden :shock: :shock: . now what shocked me was the fact that my dad despises music and doesn't even know stuff like who mick jagger is. and he knew about iron maiden :shock: :shock:

What one you getting :banana: