The all new what are you doing now thread

Rockhardchick666 said:
Amherst has no wheres to skate either :|

Yeah right you should see where I skate, seriously if you think you have it bad in canada and you go to britain you'll think you are spoilt for chioce when you get back to canada!
stokedasagoat said:
Yeah right you should see where I skate, seriously if you think you have it bad in canada and you go to britain you'll think you are spoilt for chioce when you get back to canada!

no mann, they just re-did the curbs here so we can't even stall there shaped somewhat like this __ :|
for RHC
Rockhardchick666 said:
no mann, they just re-did the curbs here so we can't even stall there shaped somewhat like this __ :|

The last time i got on a board was about 1982, in my local Woolworths branch. I fell straight of the back of it, right on to my fat ass, and went skidding towards the cash till :oops: .

From that point onwards, i declined any further offers to "go skate" :(