The all new what are you doing now thread

afraidtoshooteddie said:
Just be careful bud. You don't wanna get burned a second time :|
As I said before, that is what happened to me and I ended up not wanting to look for another relationship coz I didn't want to get hurt. :|
If you stay friends, fine. 8) If you guys take it any further, then do so with your eyes wide open. like this> :shock: - LOL Seriously though, take care, man. :D

I'm gonna be very careful, I still like her and its like :| small talk on MSN is enough, she knows shes hurt me, eventually we'll meet up again, but not for too long, I wouldnt want to meet in a place where we would get 'comfortable' and one thing would lead to another :|
Bockaaarck said:
Ben, if i was you........i would call it quits mate, but best of luck to you if you want to try and sort it :wink:

I'd like to be friends though, I'd hate to lose contact with her completley :( meeting as friends in time would be ok I think!
Ben said:
I'd like to be friends though, I'd hate to lose contact with her completley :( meeting as friends in time would be ok I think!

Well if that's what you really feel then fine, but just don't go kidding yourself. I mean how far away does she live from you?

I've got great mates that live 15 minutes drive away from me that i only see five times a year, but we see each other because we are really good friends.

If it going to be like that then fair enough, but just be careful you don't think of it as anything else. What's that great Doobie Brothers song "What a fool believes" just be careful not to get hurt :wink:
She likes about 50 miles away, so theres a bit of distance, but your right, we can still remain friends, I'd have to get in that frame of mind. I really dont know what she wants though :|

Shes still texting me saying "Night night hunny xxxxxx" and all this nonsense :|

Women eh :roll:

On a higher note, I get my new hi hats wednesday :banana: and theres a large gap in my bank account now :err:

Thanks for the advice Bocky, your always great with it :banana:
Just thought..My sisters little girl is going to be 2 in sister still comes here to ask me to put the raincovers on her buggy LOL LOL
It's hysterical watching her try to do it LOL She always puts the back at the front and wonder's why Lil's feet are hanging out LOL