The all new what are you doing now thread

rockin_plumber said:
:err: I could read that two ways

no realy, me and my friends have it planned out that we'll have a penis for one day, and we'll have a competition to see who can knock over the most bugs with out cum.
twilightsglow said:
I don't have a willie to wave around :P
blimey you were here as well last night? :shock:
can i ask you now that i see you're alive
what's up with cyrus
i haven't seen him here or on imbb for ages
Rockhardchick666 said:
I sometimes want one for just a day.
Me too. I wonder sometimes what it would be like. I'm glad I'm not alone in my weirdness.

rockin_plumber said:
Would you like to wave mine :err:
Can I see it first? :err:

MaidenMadness said:
blimey you were here as well last night? :shock:
can i ask you now that i see you're alive
what's up with cyrus
i haven't seen him here or on imbb for ages
Cyrus is back in Norway for the summer. He only has dial-up, he has to pay for it all himself, and he's a poor student so he can't spend much time on the internet. He'll probably be online more often when he goes back to school.
usin some new spot cream stuff... AND IT BURNS :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry:
powerslave87 said:
Rockin', you told me to do it for "the Maiden World lads" and I will :P I'll get some pictures too :err: a big Maiden World flag :err:
LOL for all the lads; me, rockin, fraidy, MM, wicky :err:

Just thinking, its amazing that without 3 big time posters this forum is DEAD :shock:

Listening to Zeppelin, and sulking at the moment :(
powerslave87 said:

Just thinking, its amazing that without 3 big time posters this forum is DEAD :shock:

Listening to Zeppelin, and sulking at the moment :(
i dont think big is the word for it :roll: