The all new what are you doing now thread

powerslave87 said:
Anyone got any suggestions on what I can talk to her about? Bear in mind I dont want to make a tool of myself, I'm not that desperate :oops:
well get to know her
ask questions about her so you'd know her better
i mean try to present yourself to her in a best light but also learn something about her for starters typical what do you like/where do you go out bullshit before getting to the more important issues

Theres always another day I suppose

Now I am playing on San Andreas and listening to Maiden :banana: :banana:
Looking smuggly at my crate of strongbow 8)

Went shopping this morning and bought a crate of strongbow @ £12.49.

Got home and realized they had scanned the fukin thing twice :shock:
Thus charging us twice for it :shock:

Took another drive out to Tesco and visited customer services..
Explained and they appologised and.......

Not only did they refund my £12.49...... :shock:
They gave me back the £12.49 the Strongbow should have cost..... :shock:
AND I get to keep the crate of Strongbow :D

They said its thier policy that if you are overcharged..... you get all the money
back you paid for the item and get to keep the goods.....

:banana: :banana: :banana: hooray for Tesco
rockin_plumber said:
Looking smuggly at my crate of strongbow 8)

Went shopping this morning and bought a crate of strongbow @ £12.49.

Got home and realized they had scanned the fukin thing twice :shock:
Thus charging us twice for it :shock:

Took another drive out to Tesco and visited customer services..
Explained and they appologised and.......

Not only did they refund my £12.49...... :shock:
They gave me back the £12.49 the Strongbow should have cost..... :shock:
AND I get to keep the crate of Strongbow :D

They said its thier policy that if you are overcharged..... you get all the money
back you paid for the item and get to keep the goods.....

:banana: :banana: :banana: hooray for Tesco

Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :banana: