speaking to myself.......

alright SDG- here's another story:

so this guy here :blaze: was hanging out at a bar in Alaska drinkin' his ass off :cheers: and singin' Irish drinking songs :drunk: when he decided it would be fun to get a Moose drunk :moose:

Well he obviously didn't know it's against the law in Alaska to give beer to a moose- so he was arrested :(
He ended up in County jail where he really got to know several cellmates :kinkyfruit: :bj: after a few days of this he decided he wanted :clansman:
so he staged an escape with the help of a retarded cellmate :headbang:

Little did they know that the jail was surrounded by ice cold water and when they tried to swim to freedom they got frostbite :oops:
and they died :( the end
I am here but not has been merged into this thread :|

They where both by the nomad and where about the same thing. :P

Just felt like cleaning up :banana: