So what are you doing tomorrow?

I'm going to work, and then when i've finished work i'm going to pick up my Robosapien :D :banana: :D :banana: :D

And then i'll probably come home and play with it.........:err:

The robot that is :err:

Then i might go to the Boozer with Miss_Bocky :D
Bockaaarck said:
I'm going to work, and then when i've finished work i'm going to pick up my Robosapien :D :banana: :D :banana: :D

And then i'll probably come home and play with it.........:err:

Is it the chrome one 8)
Bockaaarck said:
I'm going to work, and then when i've finished work i'm going to pick up my Robosapien :D :banana: :D :banana: :D

And then i'll probably come home and play with it.........:err:

The robot that is :err:

Then i might go to the Boozer with Miss_Bocky :D
if both you and miss bocky are going to spend your night looking down the glass leave your car at home :D
Bockaaarck said:
Nope, just the ordinary one, but i think i might "Mod" him colour-wise

I think he might get a "Maiden" paint job LOL :wink: LOL
We need pics as soon as you've finished! 8)
I think those robosapien things are impossible to control...The thing woudln't pick up what I wanted it to pick up...(I never had it, it was my friends little bro's)
wicker nomad said:
After the day i've had, i'm doing fuck all tomorrow :D
spoke too soon :|

as soon as I posted that Jake woke up....he's not very well...might be off school tomorrow