Simpsons quotes


I searchead and didn´t find

but this kind of threads are always wellcome, I think:err:

so let´s go;

homer: I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman.

Marge: I'm afraid we're going to need a bigger house.
Homer: No, we won't. I've got it all figured out. The baby can have Bart's crib and Bart'll sleep with us until he's 21.
Marge: Won't that warp him?
Homer: My cousin Frank did it.
Marge: You don't have a cousin Frank.
Homer: He became Francine back in '76. Then he joined that cult. I think her name is Mother Shabubu now

priceless LOL LOL
arrrrr i should've thought of it myself. here goes 2 of many i like:

marge: maybe we need more fertilizer?
homer: i'm only one man marge


lisa: you can't drive dad, he's got your license
homer: ohh i'll try anyway
starts engine
homer: wohooo it worked
Homer - "I'm going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love, and I won't be back for TEN MINUTES."
Bart: "There's no such thing as a soul. It's just something they made up to scare kids, like the boogeyman or Michael Jackson.

Lisa: Dad whats a muppet
Homer: Well lisa , it`s not quite a mup .. and its not quite a puppet.. but boy oh boy is it a......err
marge: homer where are you going?
homer: (his toughts) don't say you are going to spy on lenny and carl, don't say you're going to spy on lenny and carl........(saying) i'm going spy.................on lenny and carl......................doh
When Marge gets busted for trying to steal from the Quickie Mart!

Lional Hutz, questioning Apu in court

Hutz: Now Mr. Nahasapeemapetilon, if that is your real name.
Have you ever forgotten anything?

Apu: No. In fact I can recite pi to 40,000 places.
And the last digit is 1.

Hutz: Well if you never forget anything. Tell me this. What color tie am I wearing? [turns around]

Apu: You are wearing a red and white club tie in a half-windsor knot.

Hutz: Oh, I am, am I? Is that what you think? Well if that's what you think, I have something to tell you [ugh]. Something which may shock and discredit you [ugh]. And that thing is as follows [as he finally undoes the whole tie]. [Hutz turns to face the court]...I'm not wearing a tie at all. [jury gasps]

Apu: If I am wrong about that. Maybe I am wrong about Mrs. Simpson.

Hutz: No further questions. [Hutz raises his arm and the tie is sticking out of his sleeve] :err:

Linal Hutz again LOL

Hutz: Now don't you worry, Mrs. Simpson, I - uh-oh. We've drawn Judge Snyder.
Marge: Is that bad?
Hutz: Well, he's kind of had it in for me, since I accidently ran over his dog. Actually, replace `accidently' with `repeatedly', and replace `dog' with `son'.

smithers: well sir what do you want to do now? steal some candy from a baby?
mr. burns: that is a good idea. look there is one child now. i'll simply steal his candy.
(mr. burns walks over to the kid and tries to take his candy. after some time stuggling for it with kid)
mr. burns: smithers....take that candy away from that baby

Homer being busted for cheating on his taxes.

IRS: Mr. Simpson you are gonna have to do some work for us.
Homer: Can you pay me under the table, cause I'm having a little tax problem.:wink:
Ok heres my favourite 3. (off the top of my head, of course.)

"Ralph, Jesus did not have wheels" (Ms. Albright, 2F04)

"I am a dervish of declension and a conjurer of conjugation!" (Martin)

Bart: Milhouse, you and me will be Omega team, Todd, you and Data are 'Team Strike Force'. Nelson, that leaves you and Martin.
Martin: Team Discovery Channel!
Nelson: Aww... your wussiness better come in handy.
Homer: weaseling out of things is an important thing to learn... it's what separates us from the animals... except the weasel.

When Marge is searching for her ;east 'nagging voice "Homer, Hooommeerr, Homer!-yeah that's the one".

When Lisa drank the water on the ride at Itchy and Scratchy Land , she hallucinated and jumped in the fountain "I AM THE LIZARD QUEEN!"