Show thyself

MaidenMadness said:
there is(well was) a picture of me a while back

maybe i should put a new one though
right lets do it like this
if rockin posts his picture i'll post a new one of me as well

are you ready for rockin's new picture?

After a year of growing le hair!

Letting my hair and my beard grow.I had a very long hair before.
In the back you can see the photo of our local basketball team taken 10 years ago
Found this on the camera just now...didn't even know Luke had taken it LOL

It shows how much my hair has grown :D and how bloody curly it is :|
Wish i'd never cut it all off :(
Iron Domek said:
i like curly hair
I do when it's long, just the growing it back stage is horrid....the curls made it grow out not down for ages :| finally got past that stage though :banana: