Show thyself

me bein moody and with a shaky hand =S
:cry: i hate my eyes, why couldn't they be red or black or purple :cry:

and you'll never catch me with out the bandana or gloves :P

the bandan has 4 uses a day: scarf (for when i need to look polite or neat)
head band when im walkin around or skatin
bandana when im doin sport
and face mask thing when im sulky or want to try and pretend to be a cowboy :D :err:
manic said:
:cry: i hate my eyes, why couldn't they be red or black or purple :cry:

and you'll never catch me with out the bandana or gloves :P

the bandan has 4 uses a day: scarf (for when i need to look polite or neat)
head band when im walkin around or skatin
bandana when im doin sport
and face mask thing when im sulky or want to try and pretend to be a cowboy :D :err:

I'd kill for those eyes
Rockhardchick666 said:
Dark dark brown
what like where the pupil looks like it goes in to the iris, one of my gfs had eyes like that they're cool, makes the eyes look so deep
manic said:
what like where the pupil looks like it goes in to the iris, one of my gfs had eyes like that they're cool, makes the eyes look so deep

yeap, actully the way I have black lines in it, it looks like the ppils are streaching out and reaching past their spot, kinda looks like roots from plants.
Rockhardchick666 said:
yeap, actully the way I have black lines in it, it looks like the ppils are streaching out and reaching past their spot, kinda looks like roots from plants.
lol cool