RHC666 vs Avril Lavigne

Rockhardchick666 said:
my quest :to get a better picture ... and it must replace that damn fuzzy one thats in here, wait, that would screw this thred, cause I don't look like her at all
Yeah, screw Avril :D
screw Avril... :err:
Rockhardchick666 said:
She is the scum of Canada, which really tells you something........(and yes I know I'm dissing my own country)
Jim Carrey, Mike Myers... :D
All silly ppl is from Canada... :P
like you :wink:
The Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen

Our Country wreaks of trees
Our yaks are really large
And they smell like rotting beef carcasses
And we have to clean up after them
And our saddle soars are the best
We proudly wear woman's clothing
And searing sand blows up our skirts
And the buzzards, they soar overhead
And poisonous snakes will devour us whole
Our bones will bleach in the sun
And we will probably go to *thbppth*
And that is our great reward
For being the-uh Ro-yal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen

The Complete Version:

STIMPY: Remember the royal anthem of the kilted yaksmen!

Our Country reeks of trees
Our yaks are really large
And they smell like rotting beef carcasses
And we have to clean-up after them
And our saddle sores are the best
We proudly wear women's clothing
And searing sand blows up our skirts

And buzzards, they soar overhead
And poisonous snakes devour us whole
Our bones will bleach in the sun.

STIMPY: That's it.

And we will probably go to *thbppth*
And that is our great reward
For being the-uh-Roy-yal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen

STIMPY: Come on everybody

Our Country reeks of trees
Our yaks are really large
And they smell like rotting beef carcasses
And we have to clean-up after them
And out saddle sores are the best
We proudly wear women's clothing
And searing sand blows up our skirts
And buzzards, they soar overhead
And poisonous snakes devour us whole
Our bones will bleach in the sun
And we will probably go to *thbppth*
And that is our great reward
For being the-uh-Roy-yal Candian Kilted Yaksmen