rockin_plumber said:
It worked first time for me :?
That kinda makes it worse :( It's been posted on IMOC a few times but obviously doesn't get left there very long :| and i've missed it everytime :x

This time I don't miss it and my puter decides that will be the only site that won't work
afraidtoshooteddie said:
There's been a 9 track boot going around for a while too.

This one has 20 trax :?

Obviously Doctor Doctor... Intro........ Maybe talkin bits are single trax as well ???

Only 15 songs wasnt there ??
It's defo my puter :| I'm logged into one of my cashback sites, clicked on a link and it's telling me i'm not logged in :?
Bockaaarck said:
:shock: :edbarf:

Just to help you gauge the size of these things, here's a Video of Someone having TWO of them removed from their back.
They use Duct tape over the opening in an attempt to partially suffocate the larvae for two reasons. 1. It draws them nearer to the surface as they try to breathe. (Petrolium jelly could also work). and 2. When partially suffocated, the larvae is more docile and less likely to use its Spines to anchor itself in. Thus rendering it virtually impossible to remove without making a mess of you, or leaving some of it behind.
Note how , on about 25 seconds , the smaller / lower one tries to sink back in. :edbarf:

Mexico is a bad idea. Skegness is safer. :wink:
afraidtoshooteddie said:
Just to help you gauge the size of these things, here's a Video of Someone having TWO of them removed from their back.
They use Duct tape over the opening in an attempt to partially suffocate the larvae for two reasons. 1. It draws them nearer to the surface as they try to breathe. (Petrolium jelly could also work). and 2. When partially suffocated, the larvae is more docile and less likely to use its Spines to anchor itself in. Thus rendering it virtually impossible to remove without making a mess of you, or leaving some of it behind.
Note how , on about 25 seconds , the smaller / lower one tries to sink back in. :edbarf:

Mexico is a bad idea. Skegness is safer. :wink:
Shit :shock: They are HUGE :shock: :edbarf:
afraidtoshooteddie said:
Didn't mean to ruin your holiday. Sorry. :oops:

I'll keep my mouth shut next time. :(

My bad.

Its ok dude, we've just always fancied going there, doesn't mean we won't go. It just means that if we do go we'll have to take some extra precautions :)

Or just go to Cornwall instead :err:
Bockaaarck said:
Its ok dude, we've just always fancied going there, doesn't mean we won't go. It just means that if we do go we'll have to take some extra precautions :)

Or just go to Cornwall instead :err:
I think i'd go to Cornwall LOL
Bockaaarck said:
Its ok dude, we've just always fancied going there, doesn't mean we won't go. It just means that if we do go we'll have to take some extra precautions :)


Take some rubbing alcohol with you.
Apparently if you catch them quick enough, alcohol will kill the parasite before it has a chance to burrow.