right i heard about the incident today whilst i was smoking a ciggie and browsing through the tv channels when i ran into cnn or bbc news dont know
and after few minutes george bush came and started talking
am i have to ask this:
did i hear wrong or did he say he wanted to use that opportunity to say sorry to everybody that has died :shock: :?
rockin_plumber said:
In English.........

Maybe they werent very good :shock:
Oh, right. They were amazing :D Bruce's voice was just :shock: and my voice hasn't healed to normal yet...
Frenchy said:
hey Fresty did you receive my pm :?

If you goto ur messages and you have an outbox and a sentbox.....

If it is in ur sentbox........... he did...........
If it is still in ur outbox he hasn't yet 8)
rockin_plumber said:
If you goto ur messages and you have an outbox and a sentbox.....

If it is in ur sentbox........... he did...........
If it is still in ur outbox he hasn't yet 8)

you are so useful like mod :err: LOL :wink:
rockin_plumber said:
If you goto ur messages and you have an outbox and a sentbox.....

If it is in ur sentbox........... he did...........
If it is still in ur outbox he hasn't yet 8)

you mean i'm french :? :err: